The knee is the largest and arguably the most important joint in the human body. Knee pain affects people of all ages and is responsible for limiting activity more than any other. Advocare Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center specializes in injuries and conditions of the knee. Our dedication to keeping current with all the latest treatments and surgical techniques ensure that you will be back to doing what you love as quickly as possible.
Advocare Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center specializes in the evaluation and treatment of knee conditions and injuries. Injuries of the knee can be the result of overuse, sudden trauma, or due to our biologic makeup. Common injuries and conditions of the knee include:
There are two key ligaments in the knee that help stability. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) are responsible for keeping the leg in place. When the ACL is torn due to a traumatic force to the knee or a sudden twist, the ligaments often need to be reconstructed. If a tear is left untreated, other issues can arise (such as cartilage damage, meniscal tear and osteoarthritis)
Dr. Vitolo uses an anatomic approach to repairing the ACL surgically. This method is performed arthroscopically with the goal of returning the knee to its natural anatomic state. In other repair methods, the ACL is re-attached either above or below the “natural” placement of the ACL. By performing the repair anatomically, Dr. Vitolo has seen his patients experience less post-operative pain, improved range of motion, and better results overall. For more information about this approach see: Centers for Sports Medicine Blog
The meniscus is important for normal function of the knee. The two main purposes of the meniscus are for stability and shock absorption. Common causes of a torn meniscus include overuse or a sudden twisting of the knee. When the meniscus is torn it normally requires surgery to be fixed.
Depending on the size and location of your meniscal tear, treatment can be surgical or non-surgical. Dr Vitolo will develop a treatment protocol that is best for your injury. If surgery is required, the repair would be done arthroscopically. Arthoscopic surgery is performed through a small incision in the knee and allows for a faster recovery time than open surgical methods. Advocare Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center are here to create a treatment plan that is best suited for your individual needs.
Collateral Ligament Sprains most often seen in sports related injuries. These injuries are caused from a direct impact to the knee. The Collateral Ligaments are located on the inside and outside of the knee joint. The impact forces the knee to the left or right and sprains these ligaments. Most Collateral Ligament Sprains can be treated with non-surgical options (such as ice, braces and physical therapy). In a small number of severe cases, surgery can be performed.
Patellofemoral Pain is pain that is felt around the front of the knee. There are a number of conditions associated with Patellofemoral pain; such as Chrondomalacia Patella, Plica and Runners Knee. Causes of this
type of injury/condition can range from the way the body is built (the placement of the knee aligned improperly), dislocation, injury, weakness of the thigh muscles, or flat feet.
Some are more at risk for these types of injuries than others, but there are precautions that can be taken; such as, staying in shape, strengthening the muscles of the thigh, using proper running shoes, and paying attention to your form when participating in sports.